Resentment in the City of God Paul Vander Klay argues that Jordan Peterson has his verbs down pat (Struggle up the hill with your cross), but that he’s not so hot with his nouns (what’s the city of God?). I think he makes some valid points, as Peterson’s ontology is indeed vague at times. But I don’t think that is … Continue reading Resentment in the City of God

What Paul Vander Klay and the Distributist miss about intersectionality… So initially I was going to do a blog post about Jordan Peterson and where he stands on nouns and verbs, but in the process of writing it, I realised another blog post had to take priority. "Postmodernism" and intersectionality were mischaracterised in the Distributist’s video, and suffice it to say that working with … Continue reading What Paul Vander Klay and the Distributist miss about intersectionality…

What Jordan Peterson doesn’t get about Jacques Derrida

Jordan Peterson has a habit of criticising what Jacques Derrida said about logocentrism, but Derrida's work is the forest Peterson must traverse to find the holy grail that will rescue Western civilisation from the maw of the culture-war abyss we're all staring into. First, a definition of logocentrism, courtesy of Wikipedia: "Logocentrism" is a term … Continue reading What Jordan Peterson doesn’t get about Jacques Derrida